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3D Laser Scanning and Data Processing & AS-Build 3D PDMS Model & Poly Mesh 3D

Service: 3D Laser Scanning and Data Processing, AS Built 3D PDMS Model, Poly Mesh 3D Model
Location: Kosovo B1
Time: July 2023 - October 2023

Project Overview


We conducted 3D laser scanning over three days, capturing data at 352 scanning spots in black and white. The scanning data was processed within seven working days using SCENE software and exported as an .e57 file. From the point cloud data, we extracted a Poly-Mesh geometry to ensure a detailed and clean representation of the scanned elements. This process included the separation of boilers, ducts, metal construction, metal platforms with equipment, and pipe routes from all levels. This data can be used for detailed inspections and condition assessments of the equipment and elements.

Scope of Work:

1.3D Laser Scanning and Data Processing:

Conducted 3D laser scanning at 352 scanning spots in black and white.
Processed the scanning data using SCENE software.
Exported the processed data as an .e57

2.Poly-Mesh 3D Model Development:

Extracted Poly-Mesh geometry from the point cloud data to ensure a detailed and clean representation.
Processed the data to separate key components such as boilers, ducts, metal construction, metal platforms with equipment, and pipe routes from all levels.
Used the Poly-Mesh model for detailed inspections and condition assessments of the equipment and elements.

3.AS-Built 3D PDMS Model Development:

Created a 3D CAD model compatible with SOLIDWORKS .
Structured the model into body, parts, sub-assembly, and main assembly categories.
Included elements such as metal construction, boilers, ducts, equipment, and pipes.

Key Outcomes:

Detailed Poly-Mesh 3D Model:

Provided an accurate representation of scanned elements, essential for inspections and condition assessments.
Enabled detailed separation and analysis of key components, improving maintenance and planning capabilities.

Compatible 3D CAD Model:

Ensured integration with SOLIDWORKS for further design, analysis, and planning work.

By delivering comprehensive digital models, we provided Dornier Group with essential tools for detailed assessments and planning related to the KEK Kosovo B2 Unite infrastructure and equipment. This approach not only improved the accuracy and efficiency of the design process but also ensured smoother and more successful project outcomes during the subsequent design and analysis phases.

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